Gekidol (Dub)

Winter 2021 Anime Episode 12
Five years ago, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Global Synchronic Urban Disappearance caused a large chunk of Ikebukuro to disappear overnight. Following the catastrophe, the inhabitants found themselves thrown into a state of disorder, and unexplained electromagnetic anomalies called "Auroras" began to be sighted. Awed by the performance of idol Izumi Hinazaki at a play utilizing the "Super Material Theater," a stage designed to revitalize Ikebukuro through hologram-enhanced plays, high school student Seria Morino is inspired to become an idol. Shortly afterward, she is scouted by a young woman named Kaoru Sakakibara, who turns out to be the director of Alice in Theater—the troupe that Izumi used to be…
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Gekidol (Dub) SUB online, or you can even watch Gekidol (Dub) DUB in HD quality.

Five years ago, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Global Synchronic Urban Disappearance caused a large chunk of Ikebukuro to disappear overnight. Following the catastrophe, the inhabitants found themselves thrown into a state of disorder, and unexplained electromagnetic anomalies called “Auroras” began to be sighted.

Awed by the performance of idol Izumi Hinazaki at a play utilizing the “Super Material Theater,” a stage designed to revitalize Ikebukuro through hologram-enhanced plays, high school student Seria Morino is inspired to become an idol. Shortly afterward, she is scouted by a young woman named Kaoru Sakakibara, who turns out to be the director of Alice in Theater—the troupe that Izumi used to be a part of.

Aiming to pursue her dreams, Seria decides to follow Kaoru and joins Alice in Theater. Upon arriving at their establishment, she is cordially welcomed by a group of young and friendly girls who are all very passionate about acting. However, something seems to be amiss…

Status: Completed
Genres: , ,
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Gekidol (Dub) SUB online, or you can even watch Gekidol (Dub) DUB in HD quality.

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