Turning Mecard (Dub)

Winter 2015 Anime Episode 52
A Korean/Japanese co-production created by Bakugan and Dragon Ball Super contributor Atsushi Maekawa. Turning Mecard stars Jason, a grade-schooler who meets a Mecanimal, a transforming minicar from the alternate world of Triforce, named Evan. Jason and Evan are both searching for missing family members, and team up to help each other. Together, they meet more Mecanimals as they battle across dimensions and learn important lessons along the way.
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Turning Mecard (Dub) SUB online, or you can even watch Turning Mecard (Dub) DUB in HD quality.

A Korean/Japanese co-production created by Bakugan and Dragon Ball Super contributor Atsushi Maekawa.

Turning Mecard stars Jason, a grade-schooler who meets a Mecanimal, a transforming minicar from the alternate world of Triforce, named Evan. Jason and Evan are both searching for missing family members, and team up to help each other. Together, they meet more Mecanimals as they battle across dimensions and learn important lessons along the way.

Status: Completed
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Turning Mecard (Dub) SUB online, or you can even watch Turning Mecard (Dub) DUB in HD quality.

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