Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Uncensored)

Summer 2020 Anime Episode 12
In a world on the verge of a great disaster that began five years ago, heroes who, with the help of a device called HxEros, use the power of Ecchi (H) and erotic power (Ero) to save the planet from libido-devouring monsters! Enjou Retto and Hoshino Kirara are childhood friends who have drifted apart from each other. One day, they're caught in a battle against a "Censor Bug" that feeds on human's sexual energy to evolve. After successfully taking down the enemy, they join a group of heroes like them, using the erotic power of the HxEROS force to fight off monsters.
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Uncensored) SUB online, or you can even watch Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Uncensored) DUB in HD quality.

In a world on the verge of a great disaster that began five years ago, heroes who, with the help of a device called HxEros, use the power of Ecchi (H) and erotic power (Ero) to save the planet from libido-devouring monsters!

Enjou Retto and Hoshino Kirara are childhood friends who have drifted apart from each other. One day, they’re caught in a battle against a “Censor Bug” that feeds on human’s sexual energy to evolve. After successfully taking down the enemy, they join a group of heroes like them, using the erotic power of the HxEROS force to fight off monsters.

Status: Ongoing
AnimeFreak is the best site to watch Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Uncensored) SUB online, or you can even watch Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Uncensored) DUB in HD quality.

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